Usage Reporting 101

The Nota Dashboard features in-app reporting to help organizations understand tool usage. The reporting dashboard includes two main tabs: Dashboard and WordPress, which display key statistics such as usage overview and user summaries.

Nota Dashboard: Reporting 

We recognize how important it is to monitor the usage of our tools to understand where your respective organization/team is finding the most value. We now make this easier than ever with the launch of in-app reporting.

To access the reporting dashboard, navigate to Settings > Workspaces > Reports. All users will be able to see the Dashboard tab. If you are an Organization Admin, you will see 2 tabs, Dashboard and WordPress.

Note: The reporting is not real time, they will update daily at a minimum upon launch.

Dashboard Tab

In the upper right corner, there’s a filter for Week/Month/Year. Based on the selection, we will produce data for the last 5 weeks/months/years.  Once you’ve made a selection, the dashboard will display a number of key statistics:

Dashboard Usage

  • Product Distribution: A pie chart representing the distribution of usage across our tools within the Nota dashboard
  • Product Generations: A chart representing tool usage over the current and previous weeks/months/years
  • Active Users: A chart representing the change in active users over the current and previous weeks/months/years

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This section of the dashboard will provide a summary of dashboard usage for the organization. Based on the filter selected, each row will represent a week/month/year, the number of active users during that period, and the number of tool generations for each tool.

Example below: 

User Summary

This section of the dashboard will provide a list of active users based on the filter selected, and how many times they’ve generated outputs for each of those tools based on the week/month/year.

Note: This section will only be visible to Organization Admins

Example below:

WordPress Tab

If you are a customer that leverages our WordPress/Newspack plug-in, this tab will display usage statistics specific to activities within the plug-in. Note: To ensure this tab of the reporting is populated with data, you will need to ensure that “Enable Analytics” is turned on within the WordPress plug-in settings. To Enable Analytics, open WordPress/Newspack, click Settings > Nota Tools > Enable Analytics. 

Similar to the Dashboard tab, the filter in the upper right hand corner will allow you to filter on Week/Month/Year. Based on the selection, we will produce data for the last 5 weeks/months/years.  Once you’ve made a selection, the dashboard will display a number of key statistics: 

WordPress Usage for Nota

  • Active Sites - the number of distinct WordPress sites tied to any of your organization's Nota API keys in the selected filter period
  • Active Users - the number of users who have leveraged the Nota Tools within WordPress/Newspack over the selected filter period
  • Posts Analyzed - a chart that will show the number of posts analyzed, proofed, saved, and published over the selected filter period


This section of the dashboard will provide a summary of WordPress usage for the organization. Based on the filter selected, each row will represent a week/month/year, the number of active users, active sites, posts analyzed, posts proofed, posts saved, and posts published over the selected filter period.

Example below:

Site Summary

This section of the reporting dashboard will give you a high level overview of the activity for each website tied to your API key for the Nota tools. This section will list the site URL, active users, posts analyzed, posts proofed, posts saved, and posts published based on the selected filter period.

Note: This section will only be visible to Organization Admins)

Example below: 

User Summary

This section of the reporting dashboard will provide you with a list of the sites tied to your API key for the Nota tools, the User ID of each active individual, and the number of posts they analyzed, proofed, saved, and published over the selected filter period.

Note: This section will only be visible to Organization Admins

Example below: