Videos have an aspect ratio and target platform. This lets you tailor videos to the platforms they'll be viewed on. By default, changes affect all formats. To apply changes to only one format, unlink the section.
Working With Media Formats
Media formats contain both an aspect ratio and a target platform. This allows you to make adjustments to a video specific to where it will be viewed. For example, you may want to have your video displayed slightly differently on Instagram reels than anywhere else.
By default, changes made to an element apply to all formats. For example, if you change the font size of a text element, this will be reflected across all media formats. But you can choose to apply settings to a certain format only. The linked icon displays when an element is using the settings for all formats and the unlinked
icon when it is using settings specific to the currently selected format.
Clicking these icons will toggle the section between linked and unlinked. Any changes you make to that section while unlinked will only be displayed for the currently selected media format. Relinking a section will discard any changes you have made.
Here’s an example of how this might work:
- Create a VID Pro project with the following formats:
- 1920 x 1080
- 1080 x 1920
- Add a track and add a text element to the track.
- By default the 1920 x 1080 media format is selected. Enter some text and make the font size very large and left aligned.
- Now select the 1080 x 1920 preview button beside the preview and ensure the text element is selected. If you have made the font size large enough, the text will not fit nicely due to the smaller width.
- Click the link icon to unlink the text styles for the 1080 x 1920 format. Make the font size smaller, and center aligned.
- Click the 1920 x 1080 preview button again and switch between them to notice the differences.
Unlinking a section applies to certain sensible controls only. For example, text content and font family can’t be unlinked, but font size and alignment can, whereas almost everything in the box style can be unlinked.